Slide background Utilising thirty years of Hyperbaric experience

Breathing life into your future!

... using high-density oxygen as a prescription drug ...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the medical use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure. The equipment required consists of a pressure chamber, and a means of delivering 100% oxygen to body cells. HBOT is recognized by Medicare in the United States as a reimbursable treatment for 14 UHMS ‘approved’ conditions.
China and Russia treat more than 80 maladies, conditions and trauma with HBOT.

Growth and expansion mean new centers and offices are opening across the United States, Australia, SouthEast Asia and the United Arab Emirates.

866 726 4268 | 866 726 HBOT

info [at] HyperbaricHealthInternational [dot] com


Be sure to include the malady you are enquiring about, the age, sex and weight of the patient.

Shortly you will receive a reply that gives you the location of your nearest free-standing hyperbaric center.

Remember that this is a testimonial site, and does not give medical advice.

Lyme Disease

There never has been a more important moment to drill down into cellular science and understand the diagnosis and defy the prognosis.

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The usual gloomy prognosis offered by neurologists for stroke patients is now changing because of their ability to accurately assess damaged brain cells and target those cells that can be rehabilitated.

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Support for Cancer Patients

When to ask your oncologist about hyperbaric oxygen therapy? Immediately! However, such patients must remain under the care of the specialist oncologists.

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Disease and Trauma to Bones

HBOT is a most useful adjunct to the repair of broken or diseased bones and is helpful in the maintenance of bone health.

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Children with Autism and Other Challenges

Each small patient with a health challenge is unique. Their circumstances are idiosyncratic: no other child has an identical condition.

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Problem Wounds

In an aging population an increased number of patients are referred to wound-care centers with atypical wounds. Pictures of clinical wounds appear on this page.

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Rapid Healing for Cosmetic Surgery

HBOT is the rapid recovery tool that will accelerate your return into your regular lifestyle, quickly getting rid of post-operative swelling and bruising.

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Toxic Mold, Fungus

High density oxygen (aka HBOT) not only acts as a potent bactericide, it also becomes a potent antifungal.

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Smoke Inhalation, Chemical Poisoning

Prolonged exposure to unhealthy air can lead to respiratory and vision problems. Large amounts of invisible carbon monoxide is a cellular poison... pure oxygen under pressure can help.

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'Hard' vs 'Soft' Chambers –
Which is right for you?

Inflatable Chambers (mHBOT aka Mild Hyperbaric Therapy or Soft Chambers) vs Hospital Grade Chambers (HBOT aka Hard Chambers).

We asked one of our Science and Advisory Board members, Robert L. Sands, for his opinion on the zippered urethane inflatable chambers, now becoming popular in the United States and elsewhere.

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From The Blog

As the website is being upgraded, more information will be posted in the Blog pages.

In the meantime, for a personal insight into the musings of a bio-medical designer, you are welcome to visit Sandsies Blog – thirty years of designing, installing and operating hyperbaric clincs – sharing the latest science.

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